Modernist Matchup

Paul Gauguin

Van Gogh became friends with another artist while he was living in Paris: Gauguin. Gauguin wanted to get away from the big city, too. He even lived for awhile in Arles with Van Gogh. About a year before that, Gauguin went to Martinique in the Caribbean islands. Van Gogh liked to paint things that he saw in the world, like stagecoaches in Tarascon. Gauguin liked to use his imagination and make things up.

Does this figure look like a real person? Why or why not? (Hint: try to place your hands like hers.)

Paul Gauguin, French, 1848–1903. Woman of Martinique, 1889. Painted clay, textile, paper, wooden base (and plaster restorations), 19.7 × 11.1 × 7 cm. The Henry and Rose Pearlman Collection / photo Bruce M. White